Cryptography Reference
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} n N is pseudorandom, as defined in Definition 3.2.8. (If G is
a pseudorandom generator, then it satisfies both conditions, but the converse is not
Prove that the generalized function ensemble
G (U n )
the ensemble
d( | s | )
r( | s | )
f s :
0, 1
0, 1
} s ∈{ 0,1 } ,
defined by f s (x) def
G (f s (x)), is pseudorandom.
Guideline: See proof of Theorem 3.6.11.
Exercise 30: Speeding up pseudorandom function constructions (suggested by
Leonid Levin): For some d, r :
, consider a generalized pseudorandom function
F def
= { f s : { 0, 1 }
→{ 0, 1 }
} s ∈{ 0,1 }
as in Definition 3.6.9. Let Primes m denote the set of primes in the interval (2 m 1 ,2 m ).
For any d : N N, consider a new function ensemble,
F def
d ( | s | )
f s, p :
r( | s | )
= {
0, 1
0, 1
} s ∈{ 0,1 } , p Primes d( | s | )
such that f s, p (x) def
d (
) and
) are associated with
f s (x mod p), where
0, 1
0, 1
0,...,2 d ( | s | )
0,...,2 d( | s | )
, respectively.
The point is that the functions in F are computable in time related to the time-
complexity of F. Whenever d (n)
log n n), this yields
a speedup in the time-complexity of F (when compared with Construction 3.6.10).
1. Prove that if d(n)
d(n) (e.g., d (n)
n 2 and d(n)
(log n), then F is pseudorandom.
2. Show that, on the other hand, if d(n)
= ω
O(log n) (and d (n)
d(n)), then F is not
Note that, in general, the “pseudorandomness” of F (as quantified with respect to the
running time sufficient to see evidence that F is not random) depends on d : N N.
Specifically, evidence that F is not random can be found in time exponential in d.
Guideline (Part 2): Going over all possible p's, try to gather evidence that the target func-
tion indeed uses reduction modulo p. (Hint: For fixed p, any two distinct x, y ∈{ 0, 1 }
d (
such that x y (mod p) yield such evidence.)
Guideline (Part 1): Consider applying the foregoing construction to the uniform function
ensemble H, rather than to the pseudorandom ensemble F. The main issue is to show
that the resulting ensemble H is pseudorandom. (F is indistinguishable from H , or else
we can distinguish F from H.)
Guideline (Part 1, extra hints): We refer to the function ensemble H = { H n } n N , where
H n is defined by uniformly selecting a function h: { 0, 1 }
r(n) and p Prime d(n)
and letting H n = h p such that h p (x) = h(x mod p). If the distinct queries x 1 ,...,x t
{ 0, 1 }
→{ 0, 1 }
d (n) have distinct residues mod p, then the answers obtained from h p are indepen-
dently and uniformly distributed in { 0, 1 }
r(n) . Thus, essentially, we need to lower-bound
the probability of the former event for a uniformly selected p
Prime d(n) . We upper-bound
the probability of the complementary event (i.e.,
j s.t. x i
x j
(mod p)). For dis-
d (n) , it holds that x
tinct x, y
0, 1
(mod p) iff p divides x
y. At this stage
the argument is simplified by the fact that p is prime: 12
The probability that a uniformly
12 What if the construction were to be modified so that p was uniformly selected among all integers in
{ 2 d ( n ) 1
,..., 2 d ( n )
1 } ?
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