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Exercise 20: Justificationforaconventionconcerningone-waycollections: Show that
giving the index of the function to the inverting algorithm is essential for a meaningful
definition of a collection of one-way functions.
Guideline: Consider a collection { f i : { 0, 1 } | i | →{ 0, 1 } | i | } , where f i (x) = x i.
Exercise 21: Rabin'scollectionandfactoring: Show that the Rabin collection is one-
way if and only if the factoring of integers that are the products of two primes of equal
binary expansions is intractable in a strong sense (i.e., every efficient algorithm suc-
ceeds with negligible probability).
Guideline: See Appendix A.
Exercise 22: Claw-free collections imply one-way functions: Let (I, D, F) be a claw-
free collection of functions (see Section 2.4.5). Prove that for every σ ∈{ 0, 1 } , the
triplet (I, D, F σ ), where F σ (i, x) def
, i, x), is a collection of strong one-way functions.
Repeat the exercise, replacing the word “functions” with “permutations.”
Exercise 23: More on the inadequacy of graph isomorphism as a basis for one-way
functions: In continuation of the discussion in Section 2.4.6, consider another sug-
gestion to base one-way functions on the conjectured difficulty of the Graph Isomor-
phism problem. This time we present a collection of functions defined by the algorith-
mic triplet (I GI , D GI , F GI ). On input 1 n , algorithm I GI selects uniformly a d(n)-regular
graph on n vertices (i.e., each of the n vertices in the graph has degree d(n)). On
input a graph on n vertices, algorithm D GI randomly selects a permutation in the
symmetric group of n elements (i.e., the set of permutations of n elements). On in-
put an (n-vertex) graph G and an (n-element) permutation
, algorithm F GI returns
) def
1. Present a polynomial-time implementation of I GI .
2. In light of the known algorithms for the Graph Isomorphism problem, which values of d(n)
should definitely be avoided?
3. Using a known algorithm, prove that the foregoing collection does not have a one-way
property, no matter which function d(
f G (
= π
) one uses.
Guideline: A search of the relevant literature is indeed required for Items 2 and 3. Specif-
ically, for certain values of d(n), there exists a polynomial-time algorithm for deciding
isomorphism. Furthermore, for proving 3, it suffices to have an algorithm that runs fast
on randomly selected pairs of d-regular graphs.
Exercise 24: Assuming the existence of one-way functions, prove that there exists
a one-way function f such that no single bit of the pre-image constitutes a hard-core
Guideline: Given a one-way function
f, construct a function g such that g(x, I) def
( f(x I ), x I , I), where I ⊆{ 1, 2, . . . | x |} , and x S denotes the string resulting by taking only
the bits of x with positions in the set S(i.e., x { i 1 ,...,i s }
= x i 1 ··· x i s , where x = x 1 ··· x | x | ).
How well can you predict each bit? To obtain more “dramatic” predictability, consider
g(x, I 1 ,..., I t ) def
= ( f(x t j = 1 I j ), x t j = 1 I j , I 1 ,..., I t ). What value of t (as a function of | x | )
should be used?
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