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Exercise 16: On the improbability of strengthening Theorem 2.3.2 (Part 2) (due to
Steven Rudich): Suppose that the definition of a strong one-way function is further
strengthened such that it is required that every probabilistic polynomial-tim e algorithm
fails to invert the function with some specifiednegligible probability (e.g., 2 n ). Demon-
strate the difficulty of extending the proof of Theorem 2.3.2 to this case.
Guideline: Suppose that we construct the strong one-way function g as in the original
proof. Further suppose that there exists an inverting algorithm Athat inverts the function
gon g(U n ) with probability
(n). Show that any inverting algorithm for the weakly one-way
function f that uses algorithm Aas a black box must invoke it at least
Exercise 17: Advancedtopic:distributionallyone-wayfunctions[131]: We say that a
polynomial-time-computable function f :
} is distributionally one-way
if there exists a positive polynomial psuch that for every probabilistic polynomial-time
algorithm Aand all sufficiently large n's, the statistical difference between (U n , f(U n ))
and ( A(1 n , f(U n )), f(U n )) is greater than 1
} →{
0, 1
0, 1
p(n). (That is, the inverting task is to provide
a uniformly distributed pre-image rather than an arbitrary one, and failure is measured
in terms of the deviation of A's output from this distribution.)
1. Prove that if f is weakly one-way (as in Definition 2.2.2), then it is distributionally one-way.
2. Prove that if there exist distributionally one-way functions, then there exist one-way func-
Guideline (Part 2): Use hashing ideas as in Section 3.5. Specifically, given a distribu-
tionally one-way function f, consider the function F(x, i, h)
( f(x), h i (x), i, h), where
n is a hashing function, and h i (x) de-
notes the i-bit-long prefix of h(x). Prove that F is weakly one-way.
Guideline (Part 2, extra help): Suppose, to the contrary, that F can be inverted on at
least a 1
0, 1
n , i
, h:
0, 1
0, 1
n. Then for any
: N N, the function F can be inverted on at least a 1 n ε (n) fraction of the inputs
(x, log 2 | f 1 ( f(x)) | + (n), h). Given y = f(x), we generate a random pre-image of y
under f as follows. First, for (n) = O(log n), we find an i such that i = log 2 | f 1 ( f(x)) | +
(n) ± O(1). (This is done by trying to invert F on (y, i, r, h), where hand r ∈{ 0, 1 }
− ε
(2n) 1
fraction of the inputs (x, i, h), where
| =
i are
uniformly chosen, and choosing i if a pre-image is found with probability approximately
2 (n) .) Next, using this i, we output a pre-image of (y, i, r, h) under F, where (again) h
and r ∈{ 0, 1 }
i are uniformly chosen. (In case inversion fails, we try again.) Show that
the output distribution of this algorithm deviates from the desired distribution by at most
O(2 (n)
+ 2 2 (n) + 2log 2 n)
· ε (n)), and so the claim follows.
Exercise 18: One-wayfunctionsandcollectionsofone-wayfunctions:
1. Given any collection of one-way functions (I, D, F), represent it as a single one-way
2. Given any one-way function f, represent it as a collection of one-way functions. (Remark:
This direction is quite trivial.)
Exercise 19: Aconventionforcollectionsofone-wayfunctions: Show that without loss
of generality, algorithms I and D of a collection (of one-way functions) can be modified
so that each of them uses a number of coins that exactly equals the input length.
Guideline: Apply padding.
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