Cryptography Reference
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As a warm-up, prove that f XOR (xy)
, is not one-way.
Guideline (Part 2): Do not try to capitalize on the possibility that prime(N) is too
large (e.g., larger than N + poly(log N)). It is unlikely that such a (number-theoretic)
result can be proved. Furthermore, it is generally believed that there exists a constant c
such that for all integer N 2, it holds that prime(N) < N + (log 2 N) c . Hence, it is likely
that f add is polynomial-time-computable. The point is that it can be shown to be easily
y, where
| = |
Exercise 8: One-way functions based on hardness of factoring: Throughout this
exercise, assume that it is infeasible to factor composite numbers that are the products
of two primes of polynomially related lengths. That is, for every probabilistic polynomial-
time alg o rithm A, for every positive polynomial p, for all sufficiently large n's, and for
every n
n 2 ,
Pr[ A(P m ·
Q n )
P m ]
where P m and Q n are uniformly and independently distributed primes of length mand
n, respectively. (Recall the density-of-primes theorem, which guarantees that at least a
nfraction of the n-bit integers are primes [7].)
1. Let f mult (x, y)
(a) (Easy) Prove that f mult is weakly one-way.
(b) (Hard) Prove that f mult is strongly one-way.
Guideline: Use the fact that, with overwhelmingly high probability, when uniformly se-
lecting an n-bit-lon g integer and considering the product of all its prime factors that
are smaller than 2 n , this product is smaller than 2 n / 3 . Next, argue that if f mult can be
inverted with non-negligible probability, then with non-negligible probability this hap-
pe n s when each of the two parts of the pre-image has a prime factor of size at least
2 n . At this point, a reducibility argument can be applied. (The number-theoretic fact
used earlier can be proved by relying on known results regarding the distribution of
smooth numbers; see [47] for the latter.)
2. Let f mmult (x 1 ,...,x n 2 ) = n 2
y, where
| = |
1 , where | x i | = nfor all i's. Prove that f mmult is strongly one-
Guideline: Show how to use an algorithm that inverts f mmult with non-negligible probability
in order to factor the products of two n-bit primes. Remember the need to feed the former
algorithm with a distribution as in the hypothesis (or sufficiently close to it).
Exercise 9 (suggested by Bao Feng): Refute the following conjecture:
For every (length-preserving) one-way function f, the function f (x) def
is also one-way.
Guideline: Let g be a (length-preserving) one-way function, and consider f defined on
pairs of strings of the same length, so that f(y, z) def
= (g(y) z, z).
Exercise 10: Prove that one-way functions cannot have polynomial-size ranges.
Namely, prove that if f is (even weakly) one-way, then for every polynomial p(
) and all
sufficiently large n's, it holds that
0, 1
}| >
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