Cryptography Reference
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Guideline: Suppose that |{ f(x):x ∈{ 0, 1 }
}|≤ p(n). To invert f on y = f(U n ), with
success probability 1 / p(n), it suffices to select uniformly r ∈{ 0, 1 }
n and hope that f(r) =
y. To invert f on y = f(U n ) with success probability 1 − ε (n), we select uniformly many
such r i 's, with the hope that y is “heavy” and that all “heavy” f-images are hit by some
f(r i ). (Extra hint: y is heavy if Pr[ f(U n ) = y ] ε (n)
2 p(n) .)
Exercise 11: Prove that length-preserving one-wayfunctionscannothavepolynomi-
ally bounded cycles. Namely, for every function f, define cyc f (x) to be the smallest
positiveinteger i such that f i (x)
x, where f j + 1 (x)
f( f j (x)) and f 0 (x)
x. Prove
that if f is (even weakly) one-way, then for every polynomial p(
) and all sufficiently
large n's, the expected value of cyc f (U n ) is greater than p(n), where U n is a random
variable uniformly distributed over
n .
0, 1
Guideline: Note that if Ecyc f (U n )]
p(n), then for every polynomial q, it holds that
Pr[cyc f (U n )
q(n). Why is the length-preserving condition needed?
Exercise 12: Assuming the existence of one-way functions (resp., permutations), con-
struct one-way functions (resp., permutations) in which there are no sub-exponential
cycles. That is, let cyc f (x) be defined as in Exercise 11; then the constructed f should
satisfy cyc f (x) 2 | x |/ 2 for all x's.
Guideline: Given a one-way function (resp., permutation)
f(x , x ) def
f , construct
( f (x ), h(x )) for some suitable hand | x | = | x | . What is a suitable h?
Exercise 13: One-way function with a “fixed point”: Prove that if one-way functions
exist, then there exists a one-way function f such that f(0 n )
0 n for every n. Do the
same for one-way permutations.
Guideline: The first part is trivial. For the second part, using any one-way permutation f ,
let f(x, y) = ( f (x), y)ify ∈{ 0, 1 } | x | \{ 0 } | x | , and f(x,0 | x | ) = (x,0 | x | ) otherwise.
Exercise 14: Let { (a n , b n ):n N } be recognizable in (deterministic) polynomial time,
where a n , b n ∈{
n . Prove that if one-way functions exist, then there exists a one-way
function f such that f(a n )
0, 1
b n for every n. Do the same for one-way permutations.
Guideline: The first part is trivial. For the second part, consider any one-way permu-
tation f , and suppose f (a n ) = b n . Construct a one-way permutation f as required by
switching two values of f .
Exercise 15: OntheimprobabilityofstrengtheningTheorem2.3.2(Part 1): Suppose
that the definition of a weak one-way function is further weakened so that it is required
that every probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm fails to invert the function with notice-
able probability. That is, the order of quantifiers in Definition 2.2.2 is reversed (we now
have “for every algorithm there exists a polynomial” rather than “there exists a polyno-
mial such that for every algorithm”). Demonstrate the difficulty of extending the proof of
Theorem 2.3.2 to this case.
Guideline: Suppose that there exists a family of algorithms, one per each polynomial
p( · ), such that an algorithm with time bound p(n) fails to invert the function with probability
1 / p(n). Demonstrate the plausibility of such a family.
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