Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 10.2 ECG interpretation
protocols refinements
of the ECG interpretation protocol. In our development process, some refinements
are decomposed into several refinements for the simplicity. Every refinement level
introduces a diagnosis criteria for different components of the ECG signal, and each
new criteria helps to analyse a particular set of diseases. A particular set of diseases
is introduced in the multiple context related to each refinement.
Figure 10.3 shows an abstract representation of a diagnostic-based system devel-
opment, where a root node (top circle in Fig. 10.3 ) represents a set of conditions for
testing any particular disease abstractly. The possible abstract outcomes of a diag-
nosis criterion are in form of OK and KO , which are represented by two branches.
The KO represents that the diagnosis criteria have found some conditions for fur-
ther testing, while the OK represents the absence of any disease. The dash line of
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