Environmental Engineering Reference
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Once velocity dispersions are computed, the velocity components of particles in
the disk can be found by inverting the above Gaussian distribution which includes
the drift velocity V 0 .
Finally, the galaxy is built, numerically, using a Monte Carlo procedure by choos-
ing six randomnumbers that when transformed according to the corresponding spatial
and velocity distribution functions give us the vector position and the vector velocity
of each particle. This is repeated N times with N the number of particles to use in the
simulation. The number of particles in each component are assigned in proportion to
their masses (see Table 1 , where values for other parameters are given). This initial
galaxy condition is relaxed up to a time of 3
7674 Gyr).
The geometry of the collision is such that we set both galaxies at parabolic colli-
sion orbit defined by the impact parameter p and the angle between disc planes. All
experiments were performed with smoothing lengths
0 in units of the code (0
ʵ b = ʵ h =
ʵ d =
(bulge, halo, and disc), time step
01 (but this is the maximum step size, we
have using an adaptive time step scheme). In Table 2 we show the experiments that
we will discuss in the next section.
Fig. 1 Contour density map of a snapshot of the collision model IC 60255
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