Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
1 Introduction
Under Alya Red we group all the biomedical research projects whose central
simulation tool is (Alya System 2015 ), including some specifically developed soft-
ware. The resulting software is then targetted to biomedical research and based on
a general purpose simulation code for coupled multiphysics and programmed for
parallel computers. This strategy allows a great flexibility to cover the wide range of
problems found in biological systems, with all of them seen in the same way and as
any other engineering problem: systems of differential equations coupled together
(Fig. 1 ).
The final goal of its developers is to put in the hands of biomedical researchers a
multiphysics cardiac simulation tool based on High Performance Computing (HPC)
techniques, capable of efficiently running in thousands of cores. The simulation tool
should be as comprehensive as possible, recreating with the highest detail the heart
at organ level, focusing on the electro-mechanical behaviour as it pumps blood to
and from the system (Fig. 2 ).
The proposed tool targets the following aspects:
Large geometries: data coming from high definition acquisition and processed
through clinical image treatment. High resolution at both geometrical and mate-
rial levels, producing high resolution meshes in both electrical and mechanical
Fig. 1 The cardiac computational model CCM general scheme
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