Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Before coninuing make sure that:
F The cube, the light, and the circle are located at the same place.
F The camera is viewing directly at the center of the cube and the sphere
showing the limit of the lamp doesn't go out of the camera frame
( View → Camera or Numpad 0 ).
Once you're done with checking the objects and camera view frame, let's go enjoy playing
with paricles.
Particle's Party
The paricle system we are going to add will be created inside the volume of the cube so that
the lamp can light the paricles that fall within its radius of inluence.
Select the cube, go to the Properties Editor and select the Particles tab. Noice
the empty list of paricle systems, meaning that this object doesn't have any paricle
system atached to it. Add a new paricle system by clicking on the buton with the
plus sign and Blender will immediately show all the parameters available for the
paricle dynamics, render, and seings.
Now it's ime to apply these seings:
F Emission panel:
Amount: 10000
End: 1
Lifeime: 300
Emit From: Volume
Even Distribuion: disabled
F Enable Random between the Jittered and Grid opions.
First we set the Amount to a high enough value so we get many paricles in the 3D
View ; seing the End parameter to 1 means all the paricles will be emited at the
same ime ( Start is 1 by default); the Lifetime parameter controls for how many
frames each paricle will live. Finally, the emission opions work together to get the
paricles in a random fashion and occupying the whole volume of the cube; disabling
even distribuion helps to accentuate the randomness of the spaial distribuion of
the paricles.
Coninuing with the paricle system seings we have:
F Velocity panel:
Normal: 0
F Rotaion panel:
Iniial Rotaion Random: 0.45
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