Graphics Programs Reference
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To c r e a t e t h e s k y d o m e w e j u s t n e e d a c o m m o n U V S p h e r e .
16. Let's make sure the 3D Cursor is posiioned at the origin of the 3D World ( View →
Align View → Center Cursor and View All ), then add a UV Sphere ( Add → Mesh
→ UV Sphere ), and set its Segments to 16 and its Rings to 8 ( Tool Shelf sidebar).
17. Now switch to Edit Mode, deselect all the verices ( Select → Select/Deselect All ).
Select the south pole vertex and the two rings above it, and delete them ( Mesh →
Delete → Vertices ).
18. Finally, let's select all the remaining verices and scale them up by a factor of 120 ( S
key, then type 120 ). Don't forget to set the name of the object as skydome (in the
Item panel, Properties sidebar). The following screenshot shows the enire scene:
To finish the modeling task, we just need to perform a simple check of the objects
that we just created.
19. Let's select the fence object, then switch to Edit Mode, enable the display of face
normals in the Mesh Display panel (in the Properties sidebar), and set the normal
size to 0.5 .
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