Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
The results given in this section illustrate the functional features of the simu-
lation experiment. It is obvious that the strategy of the modeling technology is in
the interplay of model calculations and on-site experiments. In the case considered,
such a strategy secures the economical bene
it as it reconstructs the distribution of
pollutants along the AYRS and provides estimates of environmental consequences
under the realization of chosen scenarios.
A joint US/Russian expedition to Siberia
s Angara and Yenisey rivers detected
manmade contaminants in water and sediment samples from industrial regions and
wilderness areas. On-site analysis using sensitive instrumentation revealed radio-
nuclides, heavy metals, and volatile organic compounds. Results indicate that the
nuclear production facility near Krasnoyarsk on the Yenisey River has introduced
radioactive contamination far downstream and is a probable source of previously
detected radioactivity in the Yenisey estuary at its outlet into the Kara Sea.
The AYRSSM is a complex system having an hierarchical structure with natural
and anthropogenic elements. This study of the AYRS is the
first step where simulation
results are based upon large scale on-site measurements. The method proposed in this
paper can be used for investigation of other Siberian river systems. But to expand the
experimental base, remote sensing technology must be used (Krapivin and Shutko
2012). Remotemonitoring can givemore precise data on the structure of the identi
A 2 and A 3 , which describe the spatial distribution in the Arctic of the pollutants and the
ice fields, respectively. The authors hope for the continuation of this study. Based on
the database created, it is planned to prepare a complete set of models and their
corresponding software for description of the process of transfer and transformation of
pollution substances in the Arctic natural ecosystems. This set will demand the syn-
thesis of models for the kinetics of radionuclides and chemical compounds in the food
chains of the water and land ecosystems for the boreal zones, modeling of the
hydrological regime and estimation of pollutant
flows in the Arctic Basin.
final aim of the investigations is the development of an environmental tech-
nology which will be the main result of co-operative scienti
c work directed toward
the evaluation of the state of the Arctic ecosystem. The modeling system should be
provided with a suf
ed infor-
mational measuring network and a complete set of computer models for the main
biogeochemical, climatic and biogeocenotic processes.
ciently full database to have at its disposal a rami
6.6 Arctic Biocomplexity
6.6.1 Introduction
Biocomplexity refers to phenomena that result from dynamic interactions between
the physical, biological and social components of the Biosphere/Society System
(BSS). The investigations of the processes of interaction between the Society and
Biosphere are, as a rule, targeted at understanding and estimating the consequences
of such interactions. The reliability and precision of these estimations depend on
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