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and type on the provided sheets and labels in private spaces shown in Fig. 22.5. The
users can drag any sheet or label from a private space and drop it onto a public space,
or group space, where it can be seen, moved, or even taken back to a private space by
other people. For example, to create a voting scenario in LAMS, students cast their
votes in a web-style tool provided. In Group Scribbles, students just draw the vote
of their choice on a sheet, and then drop them on a public space. The teacher and
others in the class can then see these responses. This delivery mechanism, based on
a Post-it TM notes metaphor is very supportive of exploring new learning scenarios.
Fig. 22.5 GS-SceDer embedded in group scribbles while running a lesson
The GS-SceDer distributed learning environment is an extension of Group
Scribbles which was embedded with a COML interpreter engine, graphical progress
and monitoring bar. The system allows a teacher to step through a sequence of
learning tasks that has been previously designed with the SceDer Authoring tool.
Although only image files can be displayed and writeable sheets are the only objects
that than can be passed along these spaces, the system architecture has been made
ready for implementing other media, such as videos, audio and webpages. The dis-
tributed learning environment regards these resource files as objects which can be
passed around spaces. To execute these files, they can be opened either by relevant
software which is installed on that computer or by software which is integrated in a
delivery system.
Therefore, we can describe how the SceDer design works with the delivery sys-
tem (GS-SceDer) as shown in Fig. 22.6. On the provider column, the system enables
an appropriate tool for people to create (for in-class resources ) or to execute (for
prepared resources ) corresponding to the type of e-resources. The activity shows
the description of the step which is typed in by the teachers when they create a
lesson in order to remind them what to do at that step. On the receiver column,
the system enables these people to be able to access to the presentation space .For
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