Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Drag main camera in the slot next to Player . In the Enemies dropdown, type in the
number of enemies you have in your scene. Finally, drag your enemy GameObjects
into your Enemies array. This is what my Inspector menu looks like:
Finally, drag the SaveHandler script to Main Camera. We will now start testing.
Click on the Play button at the top, and once the scene has started, press the F1
key. Doing this will save the enemies' transform. Now click on the scene window, and
move your enemy GameObject to a different location, rotate them, and change their
size. Once you are done, press the F2 key. You will notice that the enemy GameOb-
jects will return to their original transform.
Your XML file looks something like the next screenshot. Your XML file might have
different values and possibly more enemies.
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