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Figure1-2: SomeSimpleCommands.
Alternatively,itisavailablethroughthemenubarundereither View or Help .
Finally, the question mark button on the tool bar will also invoke the Help
Browser. We will go into more detail on its features in Chapter 2 — suffice it
to say that as in any hypertext browser, you can, by clicking, browse through a
host of command and interface information. Figure 1-3 depicts the MATLAB
Help Browser .
If you are working with MATLAB version 5.3 or earlier, then typing
help , help general ,or help solve at the command prompt will
work as indicated above. But the entries helpwin or helpdesk call
up more primitive, although still quite useful, forms of help
windows than the robust Help Browser available with version 6.
If you are patient, and not overly anxious to get to Chapter 2, you can type
demo to try out MATLAB's demonstration program for beginners.
Interrupting Calculations
If MATLAB is hung up in a calculation, or is just taking too long to perform
an operation, you can usually abort it by typing CTRL+C (that is, hold down the
key labeled CTRL ,or CONTROL , and press C ).
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