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the filtration and becomes a boundary at level j . More recently,
-intervals have been described
as sets of points in the extended planes, called persistence diagrams , as detailed in the next section.
K 0
K 1
K 2
K 3
K 4
K 5
K 6
β 0
β 1
Figure 11.1: e persistent homology of a filtered complex can be represented by P -intervals [ 24 ].
In this section we focus on the filtration of a space X by the increasing values of a real function f
defined on it. As we have seen in chapters 8 - 10 , this is a common scenario for shape analysis
applications. e function f can be used to define a filtration, made of the subspaces X u D
1 .1;u/ . Each subspace X u includes the points of X where the function takes values less
than u . ese subspaces can be nested by inclusion: whenever u < v2R , there is an inclusion
X u !X v . According to the theory seen in the previous section, the inclusion of X u into X v
induces a homomorphism of homology groups H k .X u /!H k .X v / for every k2Z , whose image
is the k th persistent homology group of .X;f / at .u;v/ . e group consists of the k -homology
classes that live at least from H k .X u / to H k .X v / . Assuming that this group is finitely generated,
we call its rank the k thpersistentBettinumberofthepair .X;f / , and denote it by f .u;v/ . Roughly
speaking, the k -th persistent Betti number f .u;v/ counts the number of k -homology classes
which survive while passing from X u to X v .
e success of persistent homology in shape analysis applications is due to the fact that a
simple and compact description of the k th persistent Betti numbers of .X;f / exists, provided
by the corresponding persistence diagram. Persistence diagrams are multi-sets of points in the
C Df.u;v/2RRWu < vg . In analogy with persistence intervals, a point .u;v/
in the persistence diagram indicates that there exists a topological event that starts at level u of
the filtration and ends at level v of the filtration (a cycle that is completed at level u and becomes a
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