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Filtered complexes arise naturally in many situations. e simplest example of filtration is
the age filtration : the complex K is filtered by giving an ordering 0 ; 1 ;:::; m to its simplexes
and by defining the sequence of its subcomplexes K i as K i Df j 2KW0jig . In other
words the complex grows from K 0 Df 0 g adding each simplex one by one according to the
given order.
A filtered complex also occurs when some space (e.g., a curve or a surface) is known only
through a finite sample X of its points. Since the knowledge of the original space is necessarily
imprecise, a multi-scale approach may be suited to describe the topology of the underlying space.
e idea is to construct, for a real number > 0 , an abstract simplicial complex R .X/ , called
the Rips complex , whose abstract k -simplexes are exactly the subsets fx 0 ;x 1 ;:::;x k g of X such
that d.x i ;x j / for all pairs x i ;x j with 0i;jk . Whenever <
, there is an inclusion
R .X/!R 0 .X/ that reveals a growing complex.
Given a filtered complex, its topological attributes change through the filtration, since new
components appear or connect to the old ones, tunnels are created and closed off, voids are en-
closed and filled in, etc. In particular, as for 0 -homology, each homology class corresponds to
a connected component, and a homology class is born when a point is added, forming a new
connected component, thus being a 0 -cycle. A homology class dies when two points belong-
ing to different connected components, i.e., they belong to two different 0 -cycles, are connected
by a 1 -chain, thus becoming a boundary. As an example, consider the filtered complex of Fig-
ure 11.1 (top): one 0 -homology class originates at K 0 , two other homology classes arise at K 1 ;
at K 2 , a new homology class is created while one of the classes originated at K 1 dies, since it
is merged to the class born at K 0 ; at K 3 another class disappears, and the same happens at K 4 ,
where we are left with just one class that survives forever. As for 1 -homology, a homology class is
born when a 1 -chain is added, forming a 1 -cycle (for instance, a 1 -simplex is added, completing a
circle), while it dies when a 2 -chain is added so that the 1 -cycle becomes a boundary (for instance,
a 2 -simplex fills a circle). In the example of Figure 11.1 (top), a homology class is born at K 3 ,
another one at K 4 , then at K 5 the homology class born at K 3 dies and at K 6 also the homology
class born at K 4 dies, so that no 1 -cycle survives any longer. e argument goes on similarly for
higher degree homology. Persistent homology algebraically captures this process of the birth and
death of homology classes.
More formally, given a filtered simplicial complex fK i g iD0;:::;n , the j - persistent k -th ho-
mology group of K i can be defined as a group isomorphic to the image of the homomorphism
WH k .K i /!H k .K iCj / induced by the inclusion of K i into K iCj . Also, the j -persistent ho-
mology group of K i counts how many homology classes of K i still survive in K iCj . Persistence
represents the life-time of cycles in the growing filtration.
e persistent homology of a filtered complex can be represented by a set of intervals, called
persistence intervals (briefly
-interval is a pair .i;j/ ,
with i;j2Z[fC1g and 0i < j , such that there exists a cycle that is completed at level i of
-intervals ), as in Figure 11.1 (bottom): a
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