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We take a random x 0 , and iterate x i + 1 =
f ( x i ) mod n . Due to the property
of the f function, this modulo n computation actually “hides” the modulo p
computation: if we define x i + 1 =
f ( x i ) mod p with x 0 =
x 0 , we obtain that
x i =
Since Z p is a finite set, we expect that the x i sequence will at one point enter
into a loop. The shape of the sequence will then look like the Greek character
Rho (
x i mod p for any i
): with a tail and a loop. If f is random, there is no reason for this loop
modulo p to correspond to a loop modulo n : for instance, unless n is not a
power of p , there exists another prime factor q , and we know from the Chinese
Remainder Theorem that the modulo p and modulo q computations are totally
independent. So a loop modulo p will rarely synchronize with a loop modulo
q .
This loop is easy to detect by gcd computations. Furthermore, random mappings
analysis shows t ha t we can expect the total length of the Rho (the tail and the
loop) to be
( p ). This is similar to the birthday paradox effect.
In order to detect a loop, we can just iterate the following process:
1: a
x 0 , b
x 0
2: while a
b do
f ( a )
f ( f ( b ))
5: end while
The a register contains x t and the b register contains x 2 t in the t -th iteration where
x 0 ,
x 1 ,...
is the sequence obtained by iterating f on x 0 . Eventually we will find x t =
x 2 t
when t is greater than the tail length and a multiple of the loop length.
In order to do the same with a “hidden computation” in Z p , we notice that we only
have to check equalities. If computations are performed in Z n , we can check hidden
equalities in Z p between a and b by computing the gcd of a
b and n . In case of
equality, the gcd will be a multiple of p . Hence the algorithm in Fig. 7.5 eventually
stops after a number of iterations which is a big
of the rho length.
Input : n , an integer with a prime factor smaller than B
Output : a nontrivi al factor of n
Complexity :
( B ) arithmetic operations
1: x 0
random, a
x 0 , b
x 0
2: repeat
f ( a ) mod n
f ( f ( b ) mod n ) mod n
5: until gcd( a
n )
6: output the gcd
Figure 7.5. Pollard Rho Factorization Algorithm.
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