Cryptography Reference
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We pick a random
-bit n until it passes a primality test with k iterations. The
probability that we do not find a prime number after c trials is 1
) c , which is
( 1
arbitrarily small with c
). The probability p w that this algorithm lets a composite
number pass after c trials is lesser than c 4 k . Therefore we can pick k
). We
3 ) because k is negligible with
respect to c and most composite numbers are ruled out by the very first iteration.
notice that the k factor vanishes in the complexity
( c
This algorithm will succeed after c
= O
) trials, which leads to a complexity of
4 ). In practice, we even make sure that the randomly picked
-bit number n has no
small prime factors by construction (e.g. we do not pick even numbers). Hence, the
running time is indeed smaller in practice.
As we saw in Section 7.1, it is easy to recognize prime numbers, and therefore, composite
numbers as well. Given a composite number n , it is easy to get a “proof of composite-
ness” (for instance by exhibiting a number b such that 0
n and b n 1
Here “easy” means within a time polynomial in the size of n (namely log n ). It is how-
ever quite hard to get a nontrivial factor of n in general: no polynomial algorithms (in
terms of log n ) are known for that.
mod n
The first algorithm we think of is based on the trial di vision algorithm depicted in
Fig. 7.1: we try to divide n by all integers i from 2 to n until a factor is found. This
algorithm will pull a factor out of n within a complexity of
( p ) arithmetic operations
where p is the smallest prime factor of n . 3
In this section we list a few exponential algorithms which have a better complexity.
Pollard Rho Method
Pollard Rho algorithm (named after t he Greek
character) lowers the complexity of
( p ) where p is the smallest prime factor of n (see
Ref. [149]). The basic idea is the following.
trial division from
( p )downto
We take a “random” function f which can be “factorized” by a mod p function
for any factor p of n : namely such that f ( x )
f ( x mod p ) (mod p ) for any
factor p of n . For example we can take any polynomial function. In practice
one always uses f ( x )
x 2
1 which behaves “like a random function” from a
heuristic viewpoint.
Note that we should consider the complexity of arithmetic operations. But the overhead is negligible in
comparison to p since it is polynomial in log n . We will omit it for simplicity, but recall that the complexity
unit is an “arithmetic operation” and not an elementary binary operation.
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