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Chapter 7
Interest Rate Models
We consider options on interest rates and present commonly used short rate models
to model the time-evolution of the interest rate. Many interest rate derivatives in
fixed income markets can then be priced numerically using the computational tech-
niques described in the previous chapter, i.e. they can be interpreted as compound
options on bonds.
7.1 Pricing Equation
We model the short rate r t as a continuous Markovian process satisfying
d r t = b(t, r t ) d t + σ(t,r t ) d W t , 0 = r, (7.1)
where b and σ satisfy the assumptions of Theorem 1.2.6 and W is a Brownian
motion on (Ω,
) . We are interested in the computation of prices at time t
of a zero coupon bond B(t,r) . This instrument pays out one unit of currency at
maturity T ,i.e. B(T,r)
1. Therefore, its price satisfies the following relation
B(t,r) = E e t r s d s
| r t = r ,
where the expectation is taken under the pricing measure
. We refer to [109,
Chap. 6] for details on the choice of measure. Similar as in Chap. 4, B(t,r) can
be shown to satisfy a deterministic partial differential equation. Here we consider a
general payoff g(r) . For a zero coupon bond, g(r)
C 1 , 2 (J
C 0 (J
C 1 (
Theorem 7.1.1 Let V
( 0 ,
0 ,
0 ,T)
0 ,
with bounded derivatives in r be a solution of
t V
+ A
in J
× R + ,V T, )
R + ,
2 σ(t,r) 2 rr , where b(t, r) , σ(t,r) and g are suffi-
given as
A = b(t, r)∂ r +
ciently smooth and σ(t,r)
0 holds if and only if r
0. Then , V(t,x)can also be
represented as
= E e t r(s) d s g(r T )
r .
r t =
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