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Converting Module-Based Checkers to the New Format
The set of transformations include the following items:
￿ Replace 'define for various constants by typedef declarations using an enum
type whenever possible.
￿ Replace always with always_ff , always_comb or always_latch .
￿ Create compile-time checks on elaboration-time constant values.
￿ Use initial procedures only for indicating that the enclosed assertions should have
only one evaluation attempt. Initialize variables in their declaration.
￿ Change interface definition to include original parameters as regular arguments.
￿ Provide inference functions as default arguments to clock and reset.
￿ Provide default actual arguments wherever appropriate.
￿ Generalize the type of arguments to sequence or property wherever the checker
properties can admit such operands.
￿ Checker instance identification task calls in initial procedures should be replaced
by initial and an immediate assert statement on true, with a pass action statement
displaying the required identification message.
￿ Consider using covergroup statements to provide more detailed coverage,
selectable by an argument.
￿Add default clocking and disable iff declarations and simplify assertions.
￿ Place the new checkers in a package for easy and controlled access from a design
24.1. Suppose that your design contains some legacy code with module -based
checker instances while new parts of the design should use a checker -based version
of the same checkers. The latter have the same names as the old module based
ones, but are enclosed in a package. How can you use both of these checkers but in
different parts of the design without name clashes?
24.2. The OVL checkers can be obtained from Accellera at [ 10 ]. Modify the OVL
SVA checker assert_proposition into the checker form. What kind of assertion
should it use, concurrent, immediate, or deferred?
24.3. When transforming the OVL assert_handshake checker into the checker
form, we omitted any discussion on x/z checking on the arguments req and ack .
This is because the actual arguments can be temporal sequences in which case
we cannot use $isunknown on the argument to check for the presence of x/z .
What would you provide as a solution to the user? Are any extensions to the
SystemVerilog language necessary?
List some extensions to the SystemVerilog language that would be useful to
have for creating effective checker libraries.
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