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ic operations on a single variable, but since we are already using synchronized blocks to
construct atomic operations, using two different synchronization mechanisms would be con-
fusing and would offer no performance or safety benefit.
The restructuring of CachedFactorizer provides a balance between simplicity (syn-
chronizing the entire method) and concurrency (synchronizing the shortest possible code
paths). Acquiring and releasing a lock has some overhead, so it is undesirable to break down
synchronized blocks too far (such as factoring ++hits into its own synchronized
block), even if this would not compromise atomicity. CachedFactorizer holds the lock
when accessing state variables and for the duration of compound actions, but releases it
before executing the potentially long-running factorization operation. This preserves thread
safety without unduly affecting concurrency; the code paths in each of the synchronized
blocks are “short enough”.
Deciding how big or small to make synchronized blocks may require tradeoffs among
competing design forces, including safety (which must not be compromised), simplicity, and
performance. Sometimes simplicity and performance are at odds with each other, although as
CachedFactorizer illustrates, a reasonable balance can usually be found.
There is frequently a tension between simplicity and performance. When implementing a
synchronization policy, resist the temptation to prematurely sacriflce simplicity (potentially
compromising safety) for the sake of performance.
Whenever you use locking, you should be aware of what the code in the block is doing and
how likely it is to take a long time to execute. Holding a lock for a long time, either because
you are doing something compute-intensive or because you execute a potentially blocking
operation, introduces the risk of liveness or performance problems.
Avoid holding locks during lengthy computations or operations at risk of not completing
quickly such as network or console I/O.
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