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Chapter 3. Sharing Objects
We stated at the beginning of Chapter 2 that writing correct concurrent programs is primarily
about managing access to shared, mutable state. That chapter was about using synchronization
to prevent multiple threads from accessing the same data at the same time; this chapter exam-
ines techniques for sharing and publishing objects so they can be safely accessed by multiple
threads. Together, they lay the foundation for building thread-safe classes and safely structur-
ing concurrent applications using the java.util.concurrent library classes.
We have seen how synchronized blocks and methods can ensure that operations execute
atomically, but it is a common misconception that synchronized is only about atomicity or
demarcating “critical sections”. Synchronization also has another significant, and subtle, as-
pect: memoryvisibility . We want not only to prevent one thread from modifying the state of an
object when another is using it, but also to ensure that when a thread modifies the state of an
object, other threads can actually see the changes that were made. But without synchroniza-
tion, this may not happen. You can ensure that objects are published safely either by using ex-
plicit synchronization or by taking advantage of the synchronization built into library classes.
3.1. Visibility
Visibility is subtle because the things that can go wrong are so counterintuitive. In a single-
threaded environment, if you write a value to a variable and later read that variable with no
intervening writes, you can expect to get the same value back. This seems only natural. It may
be hard to accept at first, but when the reads and writes occur in different threads, thisissimply
notthecase . In general, there is no guarantee that the reading thread will see a value written by
another thread on a timely basis, or even at all. In order to ensure visibility of memory writes
across threads, you must use synchronization.
NoVisibility in Listing 3.1 illustrates what can go wrong when threads share data without
synchronization. Two threads, the main thread and the reader thread, access the shared vari-
ables ready and number . The main thread starts the reader thread and then sets number
to 42 and ready to true . The reader thread spins until it sees ready is true , and then
prints out number . While it may seem obvious that NoVisibility will print 42, it is in
fact possible that it will print zero, or never terminate at all! Because it does not use adequate
synchronization, there is no guarantee that the values of ready and number written by the
main thread will be visible to the reader thread.
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