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Case Analysis
In order to properly show the feasibility of our model, we will analyze a video of a
conflictive communicative interaction where conflict is provoked by a clash of face
needs and by the struggle to gain interactional power. The scene is an extract from a
reality show and thus a mediatized interaction (a television programme). Mediatized
interactions present some peculiarities regarding the relationship between interac-
tants and interaction frames. The interactants operate on two intersecting levels: the
proper interaction and the interaction with a virtual audience through a medium
(in this case television). The interactants behave as if they were on the stage of a
theater: they perform for the public in the studio and construct their image with a
strong awareness of being watched by the public at home. In this way some aspects
of theatricality (Goffman 1959 : 29ff.; Schmitt and Deppermann 2009 ) are more
strongly accentuated than in non-mediatized situations. In the interaction presented
here, a conflictive process begins when a person acts towards another person in an
aggressive way by threatening his/her face, denying him/her interactional rights, and
limiting his/her action environment. 9
The analysis 10 was conducted with the annotation programme ELAN (Eudico
Linguistic Annotator), which can be downloaded from the website of The Language
Archive of the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics (
tla-tools/elan/download/ ) . The programme enables the researcher to capture the
multimodality of an interaction due to the possibility of using any number and
any kind of tiers and thus analyze any aspect of a recording, e.g., verbal language,
motion, gestures, facial expressions, and prosody. The transcription is mainly based
on the GAT2 system (Gesprächsanalytisches Transkriptionssystem 2, s. Selting
et al. 2009 ) and was carried out by means of the computer programme Folker
( ) , developed at the Archive for German
Language in Mannheim, Germany. The programme makes it possible to segment
and transcribe an audio recording and save it as a file that can be opened in the
computer programme ELAN. The presented annotation 11 allows a researcher to
show how verbal and nonverbal elements interact, and how relevant cues for conflict
dynamics are realized in a multimodal way (Fig. 14.2 ).
9 In this video we have a conflict with manifest face threats. Other types of conflict (e.g. caused by
hidden forms of hostility, such as in an academic discussion) will not be discussed in this chapter.
10 This study was conducted within the research project MCCA (Multimodal Communication: Cul-
turological Analysis, ) performed at the University of Warsaw, Department
of Applied Linguistics thanks to a grant from the NCN (Polish National Research Center, UMO-
11 The description levels have been defined according to the principles set out in Schneider and
Stöckl ( 2011 ): 28f and Schmitt ( 2005 ).
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