Graphics Programs Reference
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3. Select the Zoom tool ( ) in the Tools panel, and drag a marquee across the blue
flower shapes to zoom in.
4. Select the Selection tool ( ), and click to select one of the blue flower shapes.
5. Choose Select > Same > Fill Color to select all five blue flower shapes.
6. In the Control panel, choose the gradient named flower from the Fill color. Press the
Escape key to hide the Swatches panel, if necessary.
When you apply a gradient to the fill or stroke of multiple selected objects, they are
applied independently.
Now, you'll adjust the gradient on the shapes so that the gradient blends across all of them as
one object, and then you'll adjust the gradient itself.
7. Make sure that the Fill box (at the bottom of the Tools panel) is selected.
8. Double-click the Gradient tool ( ) in the Tools panel to select the tool and to show
the Gradient panel. Drag from the center of the yellow shape (in the middle of the
flower) to the outer edge of one of any one of the petal shapes, as shown in the figure,
to apply the gradient uniformly. Leave the flower shapes selected.
Exploring other methods for editing gradient colors
Up to this point, you've added, edited, and adjusted the position of colors on the color ramp.
Next, you will reverse a gradient and adjust the midpoint between colors on the color ramp.
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