Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Miles and Directions
Start at the trailhead adjacent to the northeast side of the Tinsley Park parking area.
Continue following the trail (sidewalk) as it bends back on itself and slopes down toward
the bayou.
Reach the bank of Buffalo Bayou. (FYI: Canoes may be launched from this point.) Back-
track to the trailhead and parking area to continue the hike.
Reach trailhead and follow trail right to the BIKE ROUTE sign. Allen Parkway is on the
left, about 60 feet away.
Continue following the concrete trail west. Allen Parkway is on the left, with green space
and the bayou visible on the right.
Continue following the trail as it bends right, away from Allen Parkway.
The trail changes from concrete sidewalk to asphalt. The trail bears toward the bayou on
the right. The Large Spindle Piece sculpture is on the left.
The imposing Federal Reserve Bank building is directly across Allen Parkway.
The trail passes the television Channel 11 (KHOU) building on the left (south), with a heli-
copter landing pad on its roof.
Cross the Taft Tributary, which flows into Buffalo Bayou, on a short footbridge. Bear right,
heading north for a short way.
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