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(cf. Fig. 2.8 b). The length of a perpendicular k depends on the local uncertainty σ k
of the curve given by
σ k
n k
J C k ·
J C k ·
Σ T ·
n k (2.12)
and changes in each iteration step. The variable n k defines the curve normal and
J C k the Jacobian, i.e. the partial derivative of the curve with respect to the model
parameters T . The original real-time CCD algorithm according to Hanek ( 2001 )
computes for every perpendicular k a local uncertainty σ k of the curve. In contrast
to Hanek ( 2001 ), we apply a fixed local uncertainty for every perpendicular of the
curve, thus avoiding a large number of nonlinear function evaluations. The local
uncertainties σ 0 and σ K/ 2 at the perpendiculars k
0 and k
K/ 2 are computed
using ( 2.12 ), and the fixed local uncertainty σ results from σ
σ K/ 2 )/ 2. The
fixed local uncertainty σ is now used to compute the probabilistic assignment for
every point v k,l on the perpendiculars; l denotes the pixel index on perpendicular k .
For every point v k,l on perpendicular k the probability a l, 1 (d l ) that the point lies on
side 1 (inner side) of the curve (probabilistic assignment) is computed by
0 +
erf d l
1 .
a l, 1 (d l ) =
2 σ
n k ( v k,l
In ( 2.13 ), erf (x) is the Gaussian error function and d l ( v k,l )
C k ) the
signed distance of the pixel coordinate v k,l from the curve point C k . The probabilis-
tic assignment a l, 2 (d l ) of side 2 (outer side) is defined by a l, 2 (d l )
a l, 1 (d l ) .
To compute the two-sided probability distributions of the pixel grey values we
follow the suggestions of Hanek ( 2001 ) and apply as a weighting function the ex-
w l,s = w A (a l,s ) · w B (d l ,σ) · w C (σ )
with s ∈{
1 , 2
} ,
max 0 , a l,s
( 2 · E A )
γ 1
w A (a l,s )
γ 1
assesses the probabilistic assignment. The parameter γ 1 ∈[
describes the mini-
mum probability a l,s that the pixel is used to compute the probability distributions.
We use γ 1 =
0 , 1
3. The weight w B (d l ,σ) considers the signed distance
of the pixel v k,l to the curve and is given by
0 . 5 and E A =
max 0 ,e ( d l /( 2 · σ))
e ( γ 4 ) with
w B (d l ,σ)
γ 3 ·
γ 4 .
Here C is a normalisation constant, where we set C
5. For the other parameters
we use γ 2 =
4, γ 3 =
6, and γ 4 =
3. The weighting function w C (σ ) evaluates the
local uncertainty σ according to
1 ) E C .
w C (σ )
We recommend the choice E C =
4. Since we consider a fixed local uncertainty σ ,
the probabilistic assignment and the weights depend only on the signed distance
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