Agriculture Reference
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compounds, could be used against pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, small
interfering RNA (siRNA) has a huge potential to halt most diseases and may be
used to disrupt the pathogenic processes of a specific microorganism (Rajam 2012 ).
Despite some limitations, significant advances in the development of nanoparticles
to transport siRNA have been described (Gao et al. 2010 ; Tam et al. 2013 ). This
would permit an adequate siRNA delivery at infection points, targeting known
genes of the microorganism involved in pathogenesis.
The application of nanotechnology in agriculture and food production may
represent several benefits to improve productivity and safety against microbial
contaminants. Intensive research has been devoted to improve delivery of nutrients,
pesticides, herbicides, and food preservatives through nanotechnological
approaches. However, some challenges need to be considered, in particular regard-
ing risk assessments in the areas of health and environmental and socioeconomic
impacts (Coles and Frewer 2013 ). Despite many natural nanomaterials have been
safely used in traditional foods, nano-engineered materials may present specific
health and/or environmental risks. A major point is associated with the poor
scientific knowledge on the key factors needed for risk assessment, such as toxicity
of nanoparticles, bioaccumulation, oral exposure, or the risks by ingestion. It seems
therefore that additional efforts must be conducted to improve scientific research on
nanotoxicology and to ensure adequate regulations for food products and crops
produced using nanotechnology.
Agnihotri SA, Mallikarjuna NN, Aminabhavi TM (2004) Recent advances on chitosan-based
micro- and nanoparticles in drug delivery. J Control Release 100:5-28
Aguilar-M´ndez AM, Mart´n-Mart´nez ES, Ortega-Arroyo L, Cobi´n-Portillo G, S´nchez-
Esp´ndola E (2010) Synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles: effect on phyto-
pathogen Colletotrichum gloesporioides . J Nanoparticle Res 13:2525-2532
Almeida AJ, Souto E (2007) Solid lipid nanoparticles as drug delivery systems for peptides and
proteins. Adv Drug Deliv Rev 59:478-490
Azeredo HMC (2009) Nanocomposites for food packaging applications. Food Res Int 42:1240-
Bai L, Zhu L, Min S, Liu L, Cai Y, Yao J (2008) Surface modification and properties of Bombyx
mori silk fibroin films by antimicrobial peptide. Appl Surf Sci 254:2988-2995
Barata A, Malfeito-Ferreira M, Loureiro V (2012) The microbial ecology of wine grape berries. Int
J Food Microbiol 153:243-259
Beretta B, Domenico RD, Gaiaschi A, Ballabio C, Galli C, Gigliotti A, Restani P (2002)
Ochratoxin A in cereal-based baby foods: occurrence and safety evaluation. Food Addit
Contam 19:70-75
Brandelli A (2012) Nanostructures as promising tools for delivery of antimicrobial peptides. Mini
Rev Med Chem 12:731-741
Cabral LC, Fern´ndez-Pinto V, Patriarca A (2013) Application of plant derived compounds to
control fungal spoilage and mycotoxin production in foods. Int J Food Microbiol 166:1-14
Chen H, Yada R (2011) Nanotechnologies in agriculture: new tools for sustainable development.
Trends Food Sci Technol 22:585-594
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