Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 10-2 The IBM uniied information integration and governance platform helps
you deliver trusted information to the business.
depending on their use cases, can leverage specific access points into the plat-
form. The key capabilities of the IBM IIG technology are shown in Figure 10-2.
In the remainder of this section, we briefly talk about these core platform
capabilities, the associated IBM products that deliver these capabilities, and
their applicability to the Big Data world.
IBM InfoSphere Business Information Exchange
InfoSphere Business Information Exchange (BIE) is a core component for all
aspects of IIG—whether you're improving data quality, mastering data,
securing a database, or managing the lifecycle of data, you must first begin
by understanding the data and defining governance policies. BIE contains
several components that help organizations to understand and profile data
sources—it contains unique services to blueprint information governance
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