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We can notice, that rules which are judge positive by many experts the final mark
is relatively high. Taking into consideration that fact we can certify that the reasoning
process will proceed correct. The low marks can mean deficiency correctness of the
rules or even more - occur new rule which is in total opposition from well-known
knowledge. This total opposition could be an exception, which has to be added to the
database of knowledge. Degree of usability of the rule SP(r) reach the value equal to
1 after minimum 3 the same experts answers (opinion). Next opinion will increase or
decrease this parameter depends on positive or negative opinion of next expert about
considered rule. Now the engineer of knowledge (not programmer of knowledge) can
setup the trigger point level value, which will admit the rule to use in reasoning
process between the other active one. System should allowed to change opinion about
the rule judged by the expert before. After that kind of situation should once again
calculate the SP(r) parameter. New expert in the system, and his opinion should be
also the reason for that behavior.
Definition of the Measurement Method
The fourth stage of the proposed scenario includes:
determination and definition of the physical values for the measurement
determination of the measurement devices (i.e. software programs, hardware
interfaces: type, class, special functions),
determination and preparation of the process of all measurements based on
chosen decision variables.
One of the most important sub-stages is the preparation of the measurement
process and unambiguous determination of the places where the measurements should
be carried out. For example, for the AS-interface industrial network this sub-stage is
described in Figure 5.
The transmission factor W T (2) is the percentage factor of the number of sent and
lost data transmission packages, based on a simple equation:
The W T factor should be calculated for all I/O modules existing in the network, but
to create the measurement files (the reference files and the subsequent files) in the
SUFINED system the worst module should be taken into consideration. Basing on the
flow chart from Figure 6 and on the reference measurement the end user (i.e.
maintenance engineer) is able to start unambiguous determination of the measurement
place. Thanks to the W T factor, the measurement process is over (i.e. the values lower
than a- 3% threshold can stop the process). All thresholds can be set up by a process
engineer or an authorized system administrator.
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