Graphics Programs Reference
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Step Two:
Here's how it works: you just take the tool and paint loosely over the areas you want to
select, and it expands to select the area (kind of like a much smarter version of the Magic
Wand tool, but using different technology). One thing I've learned about this tool is it ac-
tually seems to work best when you use it quickly—really zoom over your subject with
the tool and it does a pretty decent job. Here, I selected the subject, and while you can see
some problems with the selection (the area of gray between her arm on the right and her
side), it's not that bad overall. If it selects too much, press-and-hold the Option (PC: Alt)
key and paint over that accidentally selected area to remove it from your selection. Don't
worry—it's not going to look perfect at this point.
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