Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Scope of Path Parameters
Sometimes a named URI path parameter will be repeated by different @Path expressions that
compose the full URI matching pattern of a resource method. The path parameter could be
repeated by the class's @Path expression or by a subresource locator. In these cases, the
@PathParam annotation will always reference the final path parameter. For example:
@Path ( "/customers/{id}" )
public class
class CustomerResource
CustomerResource {
@Path ( "/address/{id}" )
@Produces ( "text/plain" )
public String getAddress ( @PathParam ( "id" ) String addressId ) {...}
If our HTTP request was GET /customers/123/address/456 , the addressId parameter in
the getAddress() method would have the 456 value injected.
PathSegment and Matrix Parameters
@PathParam can not only inject the value of a path parameter, it can also inject instances of . The PathSegment class is an abstraction of a specific
URI path segment:
package javax . ws . rs . core ;
public interface
interface PathSegment
PathSegment {
String getPath ();
MultivaluedMap < String , String > getMatrixParameters ();
The getPath() method is the string value of the actual URI segment minus any matrix para-
meters. The more interesting method here is getMatrixParameters() . This returns a map
of all of the matrix parameters applied to a particular URI segment. In combination with
@PathParam , you can get access to the matrix parameters applied to your request's URI. For
@Path ( "/cars/{make}" )
public class
class CarResource
CarResource {
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