Java Reference
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@Path ( "/{model}/{year}" )
@Produces ( "image/jpeg" )
public Jpeg getPicture ( @PathParam ( "make" ) String make ,
@PathParam ( "model" ) PathSegment car ,
@PathParam ( "year" ) String year ) {
String carColor = car . getMatrixParameters (). getFirst ( "color" );
In this example, we have a CarResource that allows us to get pictures of cars in our data-
base. The getPicture() method returns a JPEG image of cars that match the make, model,
and year that we specify. The color of the vehicle is expressed as a matrix parameter of the
model. For example:
GET / cars / mercedes / e55 ; color = black / 2006
Here, our make is mercedes , the model is e55 with a color attribute of black , and the year is
2006 . While the make, model, and year information can be injected into our getPicture()
method directly, we need to do some processing to obtain information about the color of the
Instead of injecting the model information as a Java string, we inject the path parameter as a
PathSegment into the car parameter. We then use this PathSegment instance to obtain the
color matrix parameter's value.
Matching with multiple PathSegments
Sometimes a particular path parameter matches to more than one URI segment. In these
cases, you can inject a list of PathSegments . For example, let's say a model in our CarRe-
source could be represented by more than one URI segment. Here's how the getPicture()
method might change:
@Path ( "/cars/{make}" )
public class
class CarResource
CarResource {
@Path ( " / { model : .+} / year /{ year } ")
@Produces(" image / jpeg ")
public Jpeg getPicture(@PathParam(" make " ) String make ,
@PathParam ( "model" ) List < PathSegment > car ,
@PathParam ( "year" ) String year ) {
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