Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Next, the code iterates through all the CustomerEntity objects returned by the executed
query and creates Customer JAXB object instances.
// next link
// If the size returned is equal then assume there is a next
iif ( customerEntities . size () == size )
int next = start + size ;
URI nextUri = builder . clone (). build ( next , size );
Link nextLink = Link . fromUri ( nextUri )
. rel ( "next" )
. type ( "application/xml" ). build ();
links . add ( nextLink );
// previous link
iif ( start > 0 )
int previous = start - size ;
iif ( previous < 0 ) previous = 0 ;
URI previousUri = builder . clone (). build ( previous , size );
Link previousLink = Link . fromUri ( previousUri )
. rel ( "previous" )
. type ( "application/xml" ). build ();
links . add ( previousLink );
Customers customers = new
new Customers ();
customers . setCustomers ( list );
customers . setLinks ( links );
return customers ;
Finally, the method calculates whether the next and previous Atom links should be added
to the Customers JAXB object returned. This code is very similar to the examples described
in Chapter 24 .
The other EJB classes defined in the example are pretty much extrapolated from the ex10_2
example and modified to work with JPA. I don't want to rehash old code, so I won't get into
detail on how these work.
The Remaining Server Code
There's a few more server-side classes we need to go over.
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