Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The ExceptionMappers
The EntityManager.getReference() method is used by various EJBs in this example to
locate objects within the database. When this method cannot find an object within the data-
base, it throws a javax.persistence.EntityNotFoundException . If we deployed this
code as is, JAX-RS would end up eating this exception and returning a 500, “Internal Server
Error,” to our clients if they tried to access an unknown object in the database. The 404, “Not
Found,” error response code makes a lot more sense to return in this scenario. To facilitate
this, a JAX-RS ExceptionMapper is used. Let's take a look:
public class
class EntityNotFoundExceptionMapper
implements ExceptionMapper < EntityNotFoundException >
public Response toResponse ( EntityNotFoundException exception )
return Response . status ( Response . Status . NOT_FOUND ). build ();
This class catches EntityNotFoundExceptions and generates a 404 response.
Changes to Application class
The ShoppingApplication class has been simplified a bit. Because all of our code is imple-
mented as EJBs, there's no special registration we need to do in our Application class.
Here's what it looks like now:
@ApplicationPath ( "/services" )
public class
class ShoppingApplication
ShoppingApplication extends
extends Application
The Wildfly application server will scan the WAR for any annotated JAX-RS classes and
automatically deploy them. In this deployment, all of our JAX-RS services are EJBs and
contained in the WEB-INF/classes folder of our WAR.
The Client Code
Let's take a look at the client code:
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