Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 26. Examples for Chapter 12
In Chapter 12 , you learned how filters and interceptors can be used to augment your JAX-RS
service classes. In this chapter, we through how to build and run some of the examples
shown in that chapter. Specifically, we'll go write a ContainerResponseFilter , a Dynam-
icFeature , and an implementation of a WriterInterceptor . If you want to see examples
of a ClientRequestFilter and a ContainerRequestFilter bound via a @NameBinding ,
check out Chapter 29 .
Example ex12_1 : ContainerResponseFilter and
ex12_1 implements the @MaxAge and CacheControlFilter example in the section Dynam-
icFeature .
The Server Code
The @MaxAge , CacheControlFilter , and MaxAgeFeature classes were explained pretty
well in DynamicFeature , so I'm not going to go into them again here. We applied the
@MaxAge annotation to the CustomerResource.getCustomer() method:
@Path ( "{id}" )
@Produces ( "application/xml" )
@MaxAge ( 500 )
public Customer getCustomer ( @PathParam ( "id" ) int
int id )
Customer customer = customerDB . get ( id );
iif ( customer == null
null )
throw new
new WebApplicationException ( Response . Status . NOT_FOUND );
return customer ;
Applying this annotation to this method will cause the CacheControlFilter to be bound to
this method when it is executed. The filter will cause a Cache-Control header to be added to
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