Java Reference
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ous case, response filters run after resume() , cancel() , or a timeout happens. See
Chapter 13 for more details on the asynchronous API.
Server Request Filters
Request filters are implementations of the ContainerRequestFilter interface:
package javax . ws . rs . container ;
public interface
interface ContainerRequestFilter
ContainerRequestFilter {
public void
void filter ( ContainerRequestContext requestContext )
throws IOException ;
ContainerRequestFilters come in two flavors: prematching and postmatching. Prematch-
ing ContainerRequestFilters are designated with the @PreMatching annotation and will
execute before the JAX-RS resource method is matched with the incoming HTTP request.
Prematching filters often are used to modify request attributes to change how they match to a
specific resource. For example, some firewalls do not allow PUT and/or DELETE invoca-
tions. To circumvent this limitation, many applications tunnel the HTTP method through the
HTTP header X-Http-Method-Override :
import ;
import ;
public class
class HttpMethodOverride
HttpMethodOverride implements
implements ContainerRequestFilter {
public void
throws IOException {
String methodOverride = ctx . getHeaderString ( "X-Http-Method-Override" );
iif ( methodOverride != null
void filter ( ContainerRequestContext ctx ) throws
null ) ctx . setMethod ( methodOverride );
This HttpMethodOverride filter will run before the HTTP request is matched to a specific
JAX-RS method. The ContainerRequestContext parameter passed to the filter() meth-
od provides information about the request like headers, the URI, and so on. The filter()
method uses the ContainerRequestContext parameter to check the value of the X-Http-
Method-Override header. If the header is set in the request, the filter overrides the request's
HTTP method by calling ContainerRequestFilter.setMethod() . Filters can modify
pretty much anything about the incoming request through methods on Container-
RequestContext , but once the request is matched to a JAX-RS method, a filter cannot modi-
fy the request URI or HTTP method.
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