Java Reference
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Chapter 12. Filters and Interceptors
Filters and interceptors are objects that are able to interpose themselves on client or server re-
quest processing. They allow you to encapsulate common behavior that cuts across large
parts of your application. This behavior is usually infrastructure- or protocol-related code
that you don't want to pollute your business logic with. While most JAX-RS features are ap-
plied by application developers, filters and interceptors are targeted more toward middleware
and systems developers. They are also often used to write portable extensions to the JAX-RS
API. This chapter teaches you how to write filters and interceptors using real-world ex-
Server-Side Filters
On the server side there are two different types of filters: request filters and response filters .
Request filters execute before a JAX-RS method is invoked. Response filters execute after
the JAX-RS method is finished. By default they are executed for all HTTP requests, but can
be bound to a specific JAX-RS method too. Internally, the algorithm for executing an HTTP
on the server side looks something like this:
for ( filter : preMatchFilters ) {
filter . filter ( request );
jaxrs_method = match ( request );
for ( filter : postMatchFilters ) {
filter . filter ( request );
response = jaxrs_method . invoke ();
for ( filter : responseFilters ) {
filter . filter ( request , response );
For those of you familiar with the Servlet API, JAX-RS filters are quite different. JAX-RS
breaks up its filters into separate request and response interfaces, while servlet filters wrap
around servlet processing and are run in the same Java call stack. Because JAX-RS has an
asynchronous API, JAX-RS filters cannot run in the same Java call stack. Each request filter
runs to completion before the JAX-RS method is invoked. Each response filter runs to com-
pletion only after a response becomes available to send back to the client. In the asynchron-
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