Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 5-7. The DOM Explorer is incredibly powerful, especially if you are doing any HTML-
based layout in your game.
Remote Debugging
One of the most important ways to test out the performance of your game is to run it on other
devices. Luckily you can do this easily by setting up a Windows 8 device for remote debug-
ging. To get started you are going to need to download the Remote Tools for Visual Studio,
which you can find here .
You will see under the Remote Tools for Visual Studio tab three different builds: one for x86,
one for x64, and one for ARM. Once you have this app installed on your remote test device,
load it up and go back into Visual Studio. From there you can select Remote Machine from
the build drop down ( Figure 5-8 ).
Figure 5-8. The different deployment options in Visual Studio.
Visual Studio will now ask you to configure the remote machine ( Figure 5-9 ).
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