Digital Signal Processing Reference
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pollution sources. Development of the appropriate management systems depends very much on the
quality and availability of the right data.
2. Water resources protection and conservation. One focus of this must be the rehabilitation or
remediation of important but degraded catchment areas as a means of increasing the quantity of
useable water both for human and ecosystem needs.
3. Water pollution prevention and control. In this there is the application of the 'polluter pays'
principle to the sources where appropriate, establishment of standards for the discharge of effluents
and for the receiving waters, the use of new technologies, product and process change, pollution
reduction at source and effluent reuse, recycling and recovery, treatment, and environmentally safe
disposal for pollution minimization. In addition, there is the mandatory environmental impact
assessment of major water resource development projects with the potential to impair water quality
and ecosystems. Also included are the identification and application of best environmental
practices at reasonable cost.
4. Development and application of clean technology. This focuses on the control of industrial waste
discharges in an integrated manner and through the application of measures derived from a broad
based life cycle an alysis. Also included are the treatment of municipal wastewater for safe
reuse in agriculture and aquaculture, the development of biotechnology for waste
treatment, and the development of appropriate methods for water pollution control
considering traditional and indigenous practices.
5. Protection of aquatic ecosystems. This focuses on the rehabilitation of polluted and degraded
waters to restore aquatic habitats and ecosystems and to conserve and protect wetlands.
6. Protection of freshwater living resources. This focuses on the control and monitoring of water
quality to allow for sustainable development of inland fisheries and the protection of ecosystems
from pollution and degradation. Monitoring and surveillance of water resources and waters
receiving wastes. This focuses on the establishment of networks for monitoring of waters receiving
wastes and pollution, surveillance of pollution sources to improve compliance, the application of
environmental impact assessment and geographic information systems, and the monitoring of
chemical utilization and national land use to prevent degradation.
7. Development of legal instruments to protect the quality of water resources. This focuses on the
monitoring and control of pollution and the application of environmental impact assessment.
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