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coordinates have gained new interest, namely under the postulate of eciency and speed of compu-
tation. Accordingly, we derive here a set of new formulae for the strip transformation of conformal
coordinates of type Gauss-Krueger and of type Universal Transverse Mercator Projection (UTM)
with an optimal dilatation factor different from one.
Section 15-61 has its objective in the derivation of transformation formulae of conformal coordi-
of a strip of
ellipsoidal longitude L 02 . A two-step-approach is proposed which generates the solution ( 15.123 )
and ( 15.124 ) of the strip transformation problem. Section 15-612 focuses on two examples of strip
transformations relating to (i) the Bessel reference ellipsoid and (ii) the World Geodetic Refer-
ence System 1984 (WGS84). In particular, we compare the strip transformation results with those
produced by a direct transformation of ellipsoidal longitude/latitude of a point on the reference
ellipsoid (ellipsoid-of-revolution) into conformal coordinates in the first and second strip.
x 1 ,y 1 }
of a strip of ellipsoidal longitude L 01 to conformal coordinates
x 2 ,y 2 }
15-61 Two-Step-Approach to Strip Transformations
Here, we outline the two-step-approach which leads us by inversion technology of bivariate homo-
geneous polynomials to the strip transformation x 2 = X ( x 1 ,y 1 )and y 2 = Y ( x 1 ,y 1 ) of conformal
coordinates {x 1 ,y 1 } of the first L 01 -strip into conformal coordinates {x 2 ,y 2 } of the second L 02 -
strip, namely for conformal coordinates of type Gauss-Krueger (GK) and UTM.
Fig. 15.17. Commutative diagram for a strip transformation of conformal coordinates of type Gauss-Krueger
or of type UTM
in the first Gauss-Krueger or UTM strip system
of ellipsoidal longitude L 01 to be given. We also refer to L 01 as the ellipsoidal longitude of the
meridian of reference which is mapped equidistantly (or up to an optimal dilatation factor) under
a conformal mapping of Gauss-Krueger type (or of UTM type). The minimal distance mapping
of a topographic point on the Earth surface onto the ellipsoid-of-revolution
Assume the conformal coordinates
x 1 ,y 1 }
A 1 ,A 2
of semi-major
axis A 1 and semi-minor axis A 2 as outlined by Grafarend and Lohse ( 1991 ) identifies the point
A 1 ,A 2
. The prob-
lem of a strip transformation may be formulated as following: given the conformal coordinates
{x 1 ,y 1 } with respect to a first strip system L 01 of a point {L, B} on E
ellipsoidal longitude, ellipsoidal latitude
L, B
of surface normal type on
4 1 ,A 2
, find its conformal
coordinates {x 2 ,y 2 } with respect to a second strip system L 02 . An illustration of the involved
transformations is presented in the commutative diagram of Figs. 15.17 and 15.18 . The trans-
formation x 2 ( x 1 ,y 1 )arid y 2 ( x 1 ,y 1 ) to which we refer as the strip transformation of conformal
coordinates of type Gauss-Krueger or of type UTM is generated as following.
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