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d Λ
d Φ
= d λ
d λ
d φ
= d Λ
d φ
d Φ
Resorting to these relations and applying again the summation convention over repeated indices,
we arrive at the left and right Cauchy-Green tensors, namely
c MN = g μν ∂u μ
∂U M
∂u ν
∂U M
∂u μ
∂U N
∂u ν
∂U N = g μν δ M δ N ,
= G MN δ μ δ ν ,
C μν = G MN
=J r G l J r = A 1 cos 2 φ
=J l G r J l = r 2 cos 2 Φ 0
r 2 , C r =
1 −E 2 sin 2 0
C l =
c MN }
C μν }
A 1 (1 −E 2 ) 2
−E 2 sin 2 φ ) 3
A 1 cos 2 φ
A 1 (1
E 2 ) 2
d s 2 = r 2 cos 2 Φ d Λ 2 + r 2 d Φ 2 ,
d S 2 =
E 2 sin 2 φ d λ 2 +
E 2 sin 2 φ ) 3 d φ 2 .
By means of the left Cauchy-Green tensor , we have succeeded to represent the right metric or
the metric of the right manifold
r in the coordinates of the left manifold
l .Orwemaysay
T λ,φ M
that we have pulled back (d λ, d φ )
l , namely from the right
cotangent space to the left cotangent space. By means of the right Cauchy-Green tensor ,wehave
been able to represent the left metric or the metric of the left manifold
r to (d Λ, d Φ )
l in the coordinates
r .Orwemaysaythatwehave pushed forward (d Λ, d Φ )
of the right manifold
l to
T λ,φ
r , namely from the left cotangent space to the right cotangent space.
(d λ, d φ )
End of Example.
There exists an intriguing representation of the matrix of deformation gradients J as well as of
the matrix of Cauchy-Green deformation C, namely the polar decomposition . It is a generalization
to matrices of the familiar polar representation of a complex number z = r exp i φ, ( r ≥ 0) and is
defined in Corollary 1.3 .
Corollary 1.3 (Polar decomposition).
n×n . Then there exists a unique orthonormal matrix R
SO( n ) (called rotation matrix )
and a unique symmetric positive-definite matrix S (called stretch ) such that ( 1.26 ) holds and the
expressions ( 1.27 ) are a polar decomposition of the matrix of Cauchy-Green deformation.
Let J
J=RS , R R=I n , S=S ,
C l =J l G r J l =S l R G r RS l
S r R G l RS r =J r G l J r =C r .
End of Corollary.
Question: “How can we compute the polar decomposition
of the Jacobi matrix ?” Answer: “An elegant way is the sin-
gular value decomposition defined in Corollary 1.4 .”
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