Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
5. In the Output To selection, choose the name and the path to save your
output video.
6. Click the Render button to start the render process.
After reviewing the inal step in the video production by rendering the video
to inal output, you have now seen the integration between Photoshop and
After Efects. Furthermore, we discussed how you can extend your animation
capabilities by applying After Efects' animation presets and efects.
You also saw how you can integrate Photoshop and other Adobe
applications such as Flash to extend your ability to output the 3D animation
project for the web, desktop, and mobile devices. And you've seen how easy
it is to move between applications with the deep integration between
Adobe Creative Suite products. I also covered the deep support for 3D layers
in applications such as After Efects, which can help in preserving a lot of the
3D properties in the imported iles.
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