Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 3.1 Source Columns
•  ord_Dt
•  Channel
•  Actvt_Dat
•  CDmA2
•  hwd_type1
•  Fullfillment
•  hdw_type2
•  Lead
•  Pgm1
•  ID
•  Pgm2
•  SDmA
•  Fee_required
•  Property
•  Cus_DmA
•  mDu_type
•  reason_Code
•  m_State_Code
•  reason_Actn
•  m_State_name
•  Work_ord_r
•  to_Cancellation
•  Install_orig
•  resched_reason
•  Install_Latest
•  Cycle_Status
•  Install_Actual
•  Email_Captured
•  Act_Actual
•  Pkg_Cat1
•  otS_Cancellation
•  Pkg_Cat2
•  Disconnect_ten_mn
•  Score1
•  Impact_of_resched
•  Score2
•  Aging_for_unsched
•  Email_Captured
•  mkt_Desc
•  Incentive
•  Sub_mkt_Desc
•  Pay_method
•  Acct_type_Code
•  Cr_Card_type_name
•  Acct_type_Desc
•  o_Count
•  Acct_type_Desc_wCode
•  Act_Count
•  Payment
•  6m_Cnt
•  DnIS
•  Cancelled
•  key_Code
•  Pending
•  keycode_Desc
•  unsched
•  State_Code
•  resched
•  State_name
•  Sales_Cancelled
•  Stat_Desc
•  modified_order
•  Cat_at_Act
•  LC_Pending
•  Cat_at_ord
•  Acct_Cnt
•  reason_Cat
•  Box1
•  Cancel_reason
•  Box2
In the more recent releases of the oracle EPm System, this file can be found in the
following directory:
Note: Any change to this file requires restart of the Studio service. Text Options ultimately, the selections you make when setting up a text file
connection are similar to setting up your data source properties in the Data Prep Editor
(in Essbase Administration Services [EAS]). What is often confusing about setting up a
text connection in Studio (aside from the file location) is the multiple means of setting
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