Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Note Android developers, more information about signing your applications is available at .
We'll show you first how to sign using the release mode. As first step, you need to create a
key store. Let's start.
Creating a Key Store
A key store is a password-protected file that contains public/private key pairs used for JAR
signatures. You can create a key store with the following command:
$ keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore -alias alias_name -keyalg RSA
-validity 10000 -storepass <password1> -keypass <password2>
Table 10-1 lists the possible arguments for the keytool command.
Table 10-1. Arguments for the keytool Command
Generate a public and private key pair.
Use verbose output.
Specify the name of the key store.
-alias <alias_name>
Add an alias for the key pair.
-validity <valdays>
Specify the validity period in days.
-storepass <password>
Add a password for the key store.
-keypass <password>
Add a password for the key.
Tip When you run your applications in the emulator, Android Studio will automatically sign
the application using a debug key stored in %USERPROFILE%\.android\debug.keystore
(in Windows) and $HOME/.android/debug.keystore (in Linux). Notice also that
the debug key stored password is "android" and the key alias and password are
androiddebugkey/android .
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