Agriculture Reference
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One or two tweets per day gives 40% higher engagement.
We all enjoy watching movies and now businesses can have their own TV
channel on YouTube.
It is easy to combine YouTube into other social media programs as well
as have the movie clips running in a business facility on a television screen.
Imagine you are a typical consumer, you go into the business with a
question, the team member explains how to solve your problem and you
go home trying to remember everything you were told to do in the right se-
quence of events.
The chances are quite high that you will get it wrong.
Now, imagine going to the business, the team member still explains the
solution, but also recommends a YouTube clip that you can watch when you
get home that reinforces what you have just been told. Most people would be
impressed and recommend this business to their friends.
YouTube can be used in so many ways in your business. Here are our top
ten ways of using YouTube:
A virtual tour of the business that can go on your webpage; this will say
more than 1000 words and 100 photos and can generate traffic: people
want to see your beautiful facility!
Show what is in season and new produce that has been harvested. Again:
inspiration is key, so do not be shy;
Introduce your team to your consumers; personalize their visitor ex-
'How-to' videos are a great way to explain how to harvest, prepare and
cook and how customers should use produce;
Problem-solving videos are useful, so you can explain how to solve com-
mon problems associated with cooking;
Share local recipes to inspire both your customers and your own staff;
Ask your customers to submit a video of their recipes and meals or how
they use the products bought at your business;
An online cooking school in which you teach a new subject every week
is a great tool to stimulate usage of your products. It is like a workshop
but you can use it far more often;
Networking with other (local) retailers to show what you can offer to-
The seasons are changing and so is your business, so there are plenty of
opportunities to create new videos over and over!
If you are enthusiastic but wondering how to make a video, then use
your smartphone with a camera, make the video and upload it to YouTube
directly from your phone. Success is guaranteed!
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