Agriculture Reference
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Before we look at permission marketing as an online marketing tool we should
also focus on the other important permission marketing tools, word-of-mouth
marketing being the most important marketing tool for any business.
Word of mouth marketing
The best marketing tool you can have is word of mouth. Consumers who
have experienced what you have offered will tell their family, friends and
colleagues about the experience.
Word of mouth marketing revolves around people. Your team is engaged
in marketing. If they engage with consumers then the chances are your team
will be talked about. If they process the visitors then they will probably not
be talked about in a favourable way.
Food tourism is about visitor experiences. Visitor experiences have three key
elements: what the consumer tastes, sees and experiences via human contact.
We used to call this customer service, but customer service is now some-
thing in the past. Research indicates that customers believe 'service' deteri-
orates every year. Consumers have become jaded with customer service and
this is one reason online shopping has increased over recent years.
Most customer service is about processing customers, something that
should never happen on a culinary experience.
Leading businesses around the world now talk about ROE or return on
engagement, it is not about serving customers anymore, it is about engaging
with them.
The ambassadors for the business are important in the marketing of the
business and should be trained in being 'day-makers'. Day-makers do not
process customers, they set out to make the customers' day; it is a thinking
process and one that makes a huge difference to a business.
The aim of any successful business is that the visitor leaves the premises
in a happier state than when they entered the premises based on the engage-
ment they have had with the business ambassadors. Walt Disney built an
empire on this thinking process and the same principle is equally important
in food tourism. The keys to success are:
1. Recruitment. Recruit people who are passionate about engaging with
people and food tourism. These people exist, but are not easy to find.
2. Set standards. Make sure every ambassador who works for your organ-
ization knows the minimum standards on how to deliver the day-maker ex-
perience you are aiming for.
3. Train the team. Do not assume that everyone understands how you want
your guests to be treated. Every team member needs to be trained in what
you expect them to do as 'hosts' within your business, 'consultants' within
your business and as 'sellers' within your business. They need to be trained
in how to engage with customers and how to use 'open' conversation rather
than 'closed' conversation when dealing with guests.
4. Empowerment policy. You will not be present and able to be monitoring
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