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Compliance of all industrial facilities with IPPC and LCP requirements should
be fostered and scrutinised. Measures going beyond “best available technology”
should also be encouraged.
7.2.4 Lisbon, Portugal
The main sources are road traffic and natural sources. Various high impact
measures such as a low emission zone and the renewal of the public transport
fleet are foreseen in Lisbon [ 6 ]. Further measures might be implemented to reduce
the share of diesel vehicles, and to increase the share of bicycles.
7.2.5 London, United Kingdom
Traffic is the dominant source on the urban and local level. For PM 10 , small
contributions from industry, as well as from the off-road and commercial
and residential sectors, were identified. Several high impact measures such as a
congestion charge, a low emission zone and the renewal of the public transport fleet
have already been implemented.
The updated Mayor's air quality strategy addresses various measures which are
proposed in the strategy and should be implemented in the near future [ 7 ]. This
includes inter alia “no-idling zones”, more efficient freight movements, promotion
of smarter travel, lane rental schemes for construction work in congested roads,
supporting the uptake of low emission and electric vehicles, hybrid buses for public
transport, renewal of the taxi fleet and enforced implementation of best practice
guidance for construction sites.
7.2.6 Milan Agglomeration/Northern Italy, Italy
The main sources in Milan, of both PM 10 and NO 2 , are traffic (amounting to about
half of the contribution), other mobile sources and non-industrial combustion.
A large number of measures have been implemented according to the air quality
plan [ 8 ]. Due to the high share of private car traffic for trips between Milan and
the Metropolitan area, improvements of public transport and further restrictions
for vehicles entering the city may prove to be effective.
7.2.7 Paris, France
The main sources in Paris, based on the emission inventory, are traffic as well as the
commercial and residential sectors and industry. At a large number of monitoring
sites, traffic is the dominant local source. Various high impact measures have
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