Image Processing Reference
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Fig. 3.3. A 3D simple difference filter. This figure shows a second-order difference
filter. A first-order difference filter is obtained by making a center weight to be zero.
Remark 3.9. Omnidirectionalization results of the rotational-type filters men-
tioned above are called rotational difference filter . Results were applied to 3D
chest CT images to detect lung cancer [Shimizu93, Shimizu95a, Shimizu95b].
Several examples are:
g ( p )
g ( p )
( r )=max
( θ,φ ) {
( r, θ, φ ); 0 <θ,φ
g ( p )
g ( p )
( r )=min
( θ,φ ) {
( r, θ, φ ); 0 <θ,φ
( r )=
g ( p )
g ( p )
( r, θ, φ )( p = 1 , 2 ) .
3.3.7 3D Laplacian
A 3D Laplacian is derived naturally from the sum of the output of three
second-order difference filters as is shown below, or of the sum of all outputs
of the first-order difference filters for all directions.
g ijk = f i + r,j,k + f i,j + r,k + f i,j,k + r + f i−r,j,k + f i,j−r,k + f i,j,k−r
6 f ijk . (3.45)
Representations by masks are shown in Fig. 3.4 for r = 1 , and other variations
are given in Table 3.1 and 3.2.
3.3.8 2D difference filters and their combination
New types of 3D filters are derived by calculating a suitable function of outputs
of 2D filters on two parallel planes placed on the opposite side of a voxel
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