Agriculture Reference
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tackling the climatic vagaries only when more research is carried out on
stress management of fruits vegetables and other horticultural crops.
Climate Change Consequences
Hi-Tech Horticulture
High Density Planting
Integrated Nutrient Management
Integrated Pest Management
Protected Cultivation
Buwalda, J. G. & Lenz, F. (1995). Water use by European pear trees growing in drainage lysim-
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Gregory, P. J., Johnson, S. N., Newton, A. C., & Ingram, J. S. I. (2009). Integrating pests and
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Kaur, P., & Bansal, K. C. (2008). Transgenic in Horticulture Status, Opportunities and Limi-
tations; Recent Initiatives in Horticulture, The Horticultural Society of India, New Delhi,
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