Game Development Reference
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The Label is the super-sized set for the end-game GUI, but it is not used in this menu. Other than the
font, which will have to be changed, you will have to do a bit more customizing to whip the Garden
GUISkin into shape for use in the main menu. Before making any other decisions, you should nail
down a background image.
Select the SubMenu GUISkin, and expand the Box template.
In the Normal section, assign the SubMenu Background texture as the
Background Image.
For the Box's font, you have two options. The font used in this project for the Box title is rm_ginger , a
ttf font (true type font) created by Ray Meadows. Ray has graciously allowed it to be distributed with
the rest of the topic's assets. The font is a pure ASCII 128 font suitable for only the English language,
and it does not handle European umlauts. He has since refined it considerably and released a more
professional version as “RM Victoriana” on the MyFonts website at
ray-meadows/rm-victoriana/ , where it can be purchased for a very reasonable $19. It is worth noting
that while there are a great many free-to-use assets available on Unity's Asset Store and elsewhere
on the Web, when you calculate the number of man-hours you will have in creating even a simple
game, the cost of purchasing unique assets can be a wise investment. If you require fonts for
non-English languages, be sure they can handle the extra ascii characters before making the design
decision to include them in your game.
When using fonts other than Ariel (a system font for both Windows and Mac), you will have to include
the font in the project just as any other asset. If a font is capable of being dynamically created on
the OS, you can use a single copy of it. If not, you will have to create a copy of the font and specify
the font size for each size usage. This is because a texture sheet is made internally for each sized
font. For more information on using fonts in Unity, check out the documentation under Reference at .
You can find rm_ginger in the GUI Assets folder. Be sure to check out the Material and texture sheet
generated by Unity when the font was imported.
Turn off “Maximize on Play,” and turn on Play mode to see your changes
while you enter them.
Set the Box template's Font to rm-ginger.regular.
Set the Text Color to Black and its Font Size to 85 .
Set the Content Offset Y to about 180 to drop it below the background's
Set the Font Style to Bold.
The font doesn't have a true bold version, so it crowds together, giving it a nice fabricated wrought
iron appearance.
Next, the buttons could stand to be scaled down for the smaller submenus.
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